We are excited about your interest in the Bethesda Nurses Alumni Association. This page provides information on membership in the alumni association.
Joining the alumni association is easy. Simply mail the $15 membership fee (in the form of a check) along with the Bethesda Membership form (PDF) to:
*If you wish to receive the newsletter electronically please include personal email address on membership form.
Alumni Association Membership
c/o Barbara Jenkins
6920 Hill Station Road
Goshen, OH 45122
We hope you decide to join today!
What You Get
The benefits of joining the alumni association are numerous.
- Gain a network of fellow nurses, who understand the field and are there to help and support whenever needed
- Scholarships that you may receive for continuing your nursing education
- Yearly events, such as a luncheon and a banquet, for socializing as well as recognition
- Subscription to annual newsletter to keep you current on all alumni association activities-*If you wish to receive the newsletter electronically please include personal email address on membership form.
Annual Dues
The alumni association dues are $15 and are collected annually. They may be paid during any one of the association's functions or by mail. To pay by mail, please send remittance in the form of a check to:
Alumni Association Membership
c/o Barbara Jenkins
6920 Hill Station Road
Goshen, OH 45122
Lifetime Membership
Lifetime membership is offered on the 30th anniversary of your graduation. Lifetime members have all the benefits of members and are excused from paying dues.